Excel ribbon is greyed out
Excel ribbon is greyed out

excel ribbon is greyed out

Learning Power Query will be life changing. There are a ton of tools at your fingertips that you're not aware of which means you're doing things the old, hard way. I can't encourage you enough to learn Power Query. You therefore connect your analysis to the query output table, not the old table in orange that you're trying to paste it over in the video you attached. Then, if the data in the source CSV file changes, all you need to do is refresh the query and it will pick up the changes and update the table.

excel ribbon is greyed out

You just need to discover and learn how to use them.Īlso, the 'Close & Load' step should be to place the data into a new table. When you click on the Get Data from Text/CSV and it opens the Power Query editor window you will see that there is a Ribbon full of data cleaning tools that replace the need for formulas and VBA to automate cleaning of the data. This getting and cleaning of data is exactly what Power Query was designed to automate. Buttons greyed out doesnt appear only to survey but in all applications and all sites. When you say 'my data is quite messy, I need to clean it up using some formula each time I have a new sets of data', I think NOOOOOO! 🙂 Any chance your page is edited and in webpart properties of survey, ToolBar type is set to 'No Toolbar' instead of 'Full ToolBar' Once Full toolbar is enabled, you should see action option from where you can export data to excel. You need to shift your thinking from the old Get Data process to how Power Query works. Excel for Customer Service Professionals.

Excel ribbon is greyed out